Voice Search Will Dominate SEO in 2019:          3 Ways You Can Optimize

By Red House | Mar 14, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Tech and Data Analytics | 0 Comments

In 2018, more people used voice search than ever before, and while it may seem impossible now, by 2020, 30% of all website sessions will be conducted without a screen. Sound crazy?


Well, it turns out that voice-only search allows users to browse without actually having to scroll through sites. Due to its prolific use, search engines such as Google are placing a higher emphasis on voice search optimization, but it’s important to remember that voice search SEO and traditional website SEO are different.


Here are three tips to optimize for voice search:

1. Ensure that your website loads quickly

2. Write the way you speak

3. Include featured blocks of content


Learn more about voice search optimization on Forbes.com.

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