The Power of Print: 3 Compelling Reasons to Justify Print in a Digital Era

By Red House | Mar 26, 2019 8:00:00 AM | Content and Creative | 0 Comments

In an era where marketers can gauge performance with clicks, shares, visits, comments, etc., print has inevitably suffered – because anything that can demonstrate tangible ROI has a tendency to win marketers over. To confront this challenge, the print sector pulled together a joint industry committee for mail, aimed at creating the first-ever industrywide audience standard that would allow marketers to compare print and digital marketing channels.

So what did they find? On average, 51% of all mail is read immediately, and 19% of recipients follow up later. And each piece of direct mail is revisited 3.8 times on average.

At Red House, we believe in the power of print. Here are three compelling reasons to justify print expenditures as a part of your marketing strategy:

  1. Print is the antidote to the digital overload. Print offers a way to break through digital clutter and leave a lasting (physical) impression in a way that fleeting digital messages cannot.
  2. Print can drive digital performance. Print delivers broad messages and can direct readers to online channels – boosting digital performance from the physical world.
  3. Digital isn’t as trusted as it used to be. From data privacy concerns to fake news, prospects have grown to distrust digital media. Countering the digital realm with print is yet another way to establish trust.

Is print included in your integrated marketing strategy in 2019? If not, it might be time to reconsider.

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