ABM Is No Fad: Here's Why B2B CMOs Should Commit

By Red House | Jan 31, 2019 8:00:00 AM | Tech and Data Analytics
Account-based marketing (ABM) has been proven as a model, and the results speak for themselves. According to the Information Technology Services Marketing Association, 87 percent of companies using ABM report it offers higher ROI than other types of marketing, and 69 percent see improved annual revenue per account. Many attribute the success of ABM to the Pareto Principle (or 80/20 rule), which says that 80 percent of a company’s revenue comes from 20 percent of its customers, underscoring why nurturing high-yield customers is so important for marketers. 

Leveraging Big Data and Analytics to Drive B2B Marketing

By Red House | Jan 24, 2019 7:45:00 AM | Tech and Data Analytics

We're at the point where we have more access to data than ever before. Leveraging analytics to increase marketing ROI is something that has officially become a focal point across all industries. But the most difficult challenge is figuring out how to bring it all together in a way that allows marketers to understand a prospect’s buyer journey stage and take action with the right tactic at the right time. 

6 Useful Metrics to Measure Your B2B Social Media Marketing Campaigns

By Red House | Jan 17, 2019 9:05:00 AM | Digital B2B, Tech and Data Analytics

Long gone are the days when social media was thought of as a fad. Most B2B businesses now need to have a strong social presence that's integrated into their lead generation and nurturing programs.

Many businesses still struggle with social media marketing, in large part because they think it's difficult to measure. But, it's not. Here are some ways you can measure the success of your social media marketing campaigns:

  1. Likes, reactions and shares
  2. Follower growth
  3. Social media mentions
  4. Click rates
  5. Referral traffic
  6. Reach

Read the source article at www.marketingprofs.com

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