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New Forrester Research Confirms the Changing B2B Landscape’s Impact on Content Marketing

By Red House | Mar 12, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Content and Creative

Marketing automation, social media and other digital innovations are changing the way B2B buyers make decisions and advance through the buying process. New research from Forrester confirms this notion, finding that 68% of B2B buyers prefer to conduct online research on their own, and 63% of them do so using a mobile device.

5 B2B Tips and Strategies You Need to Know in 2019

By Red House | Mar 11, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Strategy and Trends

If you haven’t been giving thought to CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), now is the time to start. SEO may help your organization succeed in Google search rankings, but CRO is what fills the funnel. It is the art of cultivating a high-converting, customer-focused B2B experience through engaging imagery and videos, asking for and incorporating customer feedback, and consistent, strong CTAs.

Don’t know where to start? Let Red House help. Fill out the form below, and an expert from our team will reach out to you, or learn more about our capabilities here.

See the full article at

AI Offers a Helping Hand for Overburdened B2B Marketing Departments

By Red House | Mar 7, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Tech and Data Analytics


Eighty-eight percent of B2B marketing executives believe AI will revolutionize their field in the next five years, with the implementation process starting as soon as 2020.

While AI is defined as the trending technology, only 13 percent of marketers can say they are confident in their knowledge of it. Continue reading the article linked below to learn about five AI applications marketers can use to improve their business outcomes.

3 Tips on How to Use Cross-Selling and Up-Selling in B2B

By Red House | Mar 6, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Digital B2B

Don’t underestimate your customer’s curiosity of what else is out there that could benefit them. Get ahead of the curve and take action to improve your bottom line.

3 Ways B2B Organizations Can Deliver More Value and Less Friction

By Red House | Mar 5, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Content and Creative

As B2B marketing and buying continues to evolve, marketers need to hone in on the needs and expectations of customers – and crafting a customer experience that is personalized, empathetic and provides value.

2019 Marketing Trends Guaranteed to Shake Up Social Media

By Red House | Mar 4, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Strategy and Trends

When Business 2 Community  asked hundreds of marketers about social trends for 2019, they received the same six themes over and over:

8 Ways to Improve B2B Data Confidence

By Red House | Feb 28, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Tech and Data Analytics


Digital Marketing: Hitting the Sweet Spot of Strategy and Design

By Red House | Feb 27, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Digital B2B


"Marketers need to avoid getting stuck in commoditized ‘specialisms’... when the focus for brands is in strategy and experience design." We agree with the idea that strategy must be applied to marketing campaigns, no matter what the discipline, in order to make them valuable. A strategic and consistent user experience should be at the heart of your campaign for increased success.

3 Ways to Generate More Engagement with B2B Content

By Red House | Feb 26, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Content and Creative

As we know, engagement is key for social media marketers. Because algorithms reward engagement and interactions, audiences are more likely to see and respond to content based on engagement. But unlike B2C brands, many B2B brands can struggle to generate quality engagement from their content. 

Here are three ways to generate more engagement for B2B brands: 
  1. Collaborate with Influencers: They can provide another trusted perspective
  2. Humanize Your Brand: Connect with potential customers on a personal level
  3. Leverage Live Videos: These allow you to directly engage with their audience
While it may be more challenging for B2B brands to generate engagement, there’s a lot to be gained with an engaged audience, including increased search engine rankings, capturing the attention of prospects, and increasing both brand awareness and sales. 

Read the original  article on SocialMediaToday.

What You Need to Know About Native Advertising

By Red House | Feb 25, 2019 7:00:00 AM | Strategy and Trends

“Audiences don’t respond to traditional ads like they used to. But they respond to great stories,” says Native Advertising Institute's Jesper Laursen.

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