In an updated design trends article for 2019, Webflow delivers a detailed article on the latest web design trends that follows everything from typography and illustration to color, grids and even updated cursor design.
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What B2B Brands Can Teach B2C Marketers About Customer Experience
B2B marketing has long been deemed the poor cousin of B2C. But B2B brands can no longer afford to lag behind consumer brands when it comes to customer experience. Brands are measured by the same standard, whether it’s a business or personal purchase.
ABM Is No Fad: Here's Why B2B CMOs Should Commit
8 Throwback Marketing Techniques for a Better Customer Experience
Customer experience should be a major consideration when creating your marketing plan this year. Clients have more access to resources than ever to use for comparing benefits, costs, and features. Here are some of the techniques that stood out to us as great methods to improve customer experience and set your business above the rest:
7 Visual Tactics to Increase B2B Landing Page Conversions
Podcast Revenues Expected to Grow 110% by 2020
The numbers are in, and they confirm that podcast ad popularity will continue to grow rapidly. In fact, podcast revenue is expected to grow 110 percent, and the number of podcast listeners are expected to increase to 83.8 million by 2020.
Leveraging Big Data and Analytics to Drive B2B Marketing
We're at the point where we have more access to data than ever before. Leveraging analytics to increase marketing ROI is something that has officially become a focal point across all industries. But the most difficult challenge is figuring out how to bring it all together in a way that allows marketers to understand a prospect’s buyer journey stage and take action with the right tactic at the right time.
New for 2019: The LinkedIn Content Marketing Tactical Plan
Most B2B marketers know that LinkedIn leads the pack when it comes to content and social media marketing. According to LinkedIn, the site is now among the top 100 most-visited websites in the world. An overwhelming 92% of B2B Marketers leverage LinkedIn over all other social platforms, and 79% of B2B marketers see LinkedIn as a good source for generating leads.
Recently, LinkedIn released its 2019 LinkedIn Content Marketing Tactical Plan. Chocked with actionable tips, daily and weekly tactics and key metrics to track, it’s a goldmine for B2B marketers who want to better leverage LinkedIn this year. We especially appreciate how comprehensive it is, with coverage specific to:
Voice Commerce on the Horizon for B2B
Long gone are the days when social media was thought of as a fad. Most B2B businesses now need to have a strong social presence that's integrated into their lead generation and nurturing programs.
Many businesses still struggle with social media marketing, in large part because they think it's difficult to measure. But, it's not. Here are some ways you can measure the success of your social media marketing campaigns:
- Likes, reactions and shares
- Follower growth
- Social media mentions
- Click rates
- Referral traffic
- Reach