For B2B marketers, it's critical to stay in the know on all things digital—which can become difficult with increasing workloads and vacation season. So, if you missed Google Marketing Live 2019, here are the top 4 takeaways to keep in mind for your business.
Top 4 Takeaways for Marketers from Google Marketing Live 2019
Mailchimp Set to Launch Full-service Marketing Platform
Exciting news this month as Mailchimp revealed the launch of its first full-service marketing platform, which will come with a variety of new features.
3 Steps for Using Data to Crack Customer-centricity
In recent years, marketers have moved from famine to feast in terms of data availability, and while information being emitted by washing machines, wrist accessories and everything in between yields exciting opportunity, many marketers are finding the abundance of data to be paralyzing. However, using your data to understand and leverage your customer’s intent is simplified through these three stages:
6 Principles of Website Accessibility for Modern Marketers
When developing a website, keep these principles in mind to ensure your website is accessible by the broadest audience possible.
How B2B Marketers are Measuring Content-Driven Campaigns
While most B2B marketers are using content marketing, few are actually measuring the outcomes and payoff of their efforts.
The Challenge Of Marketing A "Boring" B2B Product
B2B products may not be as flashy as B2C products and may skew towards the technical and overly complicated side of things, but many of them are far from boring—especially to the people who matter most: the buyers.
5 Reasons Your B2B Website Visitors Don’t Convert
Every B2B marketer should understand the importance of having a well-crafted website design, with a solid content strategy that converts visitors to leads. But what if your website isn't converting? Take a look at five common reasons why this might be happening, and what you can change to rein them in.
The CIO’s Big Job in the Next Data-Driven Era
Ensuring you keep up with—and even stay ahead of—the technology curve will be necessary to remain relevant in your industry. How does a CIO’s role fit into this?
New Report on B2B Buying Preferences Highlights the Trust Gap Between Vendors and Buyers
A new report released by Trust Radius, “The 2019 B2B Buying Disconnect,” is an in-depth study on buying preferences, vendor impact and the trust gap in B2B technology.
Are Micro Influencers Part of Your B2B Marketing Strategy Yet?
Micro influencers, or those with a following of about 2,000-50,000 on a social channel, garner more engagement and brand trust than any other paid media option. Although these influencers are traditionally used by B2C companies, many B2B organizations are now following suit. When deciding which influencer to reach out to, ask yourself these three questions: